If you’re considering an SEO overhaul of your website, you can certainly teach an old SEO dog new tricks.
Help revive old blog posts’ SEO ranking through these easy-to-follow tips:
SEO. The one world where ‘rank’ actually comes with positive connotations.
SEO is one of the first things clients will often ask about when starting the website designprocess. However, it’s never as simple as clicking a magic button or throwing a bunch ofbudget at something.
High quality SEO takes time – after all, Google can take up six months to even rank a new website. This is a long game, and this means SEO is often a full dedicated project in itself.And if someone tells you different with a handful of keywords here and there, then reader, take a closer look at the magic beans in your hand.
We all know that publishing any kind of website content is not enough to rank highly onsearch engine results. Competition is fierce out there – which means websites needstrategy, and that strategy requires constant attention and dedication.
Creating good, clued-in content is essential for SEO because search engines such as Google will always prioritise delivering the best, high-quality and relevant content to theirusers. In 2023, that especially means content that contains numerous backlinks – especially to websites with a high domain authority (but more on that another day).
Here are a few fascinating statistics on how content and links relate to SEO
- 91% of all web pages do not receive organic traffic, primarily due the fact they contain zero backlinks
- In fact, approximately 66.31% of all pages lack even a single backlink.
- 26.29% of pages contain links from less than three websites.
Thus, we can draw from these findings that backlinks are not only critical for a website’s success, they are crucial. And if you’re entirely new to this game, let me explain this further – a backlink is when one website links to another with an anchor text. More backlinks correlate with better rankings and increased organic traffic.
This is why modern PR agencies have ditched traditional advertising and are pivoting topaying blogs and websites to publish digital content for their clients instead – becausebacklinks are becoming more valuable by the day.
As well as additional backlinks, lengthier volumes of text also tend to perform better – the highest performing pages contain an average of 2,000 words, mingled with H1 andH2 tags. These do the best.
We can conclude that long-form content tends to outperform shorter content, but this ofcourse goes hand in hand with backlink strategy. It requires a mix of both to really do welland achieve those coveted first page rankings.
If you’re considering an SEO overhaul of your website, you can certainly teach an old SEO dog new tricks. Help revive old blog posts’ SEO ranking through these easy-to-follow tips:
- Go and update the body content: Unless you’re Shakespeare, there’s no harm in rewriting your original work. Take the existing content and rework it, making sure toincorporate your new target keywords throughout the post, as naturally as possible. You want to aim for a well-written post that ‘flows’ – not a clunky, obviously keyword-rich blog.
- Internally link to new content: For those newer and more recent posts, link backto these within the old blog posts – it will help direct readers to other relevant andvaluable content on your website.
- Add and optimise new images and videos: Media is key, key, key. You won’t have your audience’s attention for long – enriching the post with high-quality or embedded videos will help to keep them on the page and break up chunks of text.Boost things further by adding alt tags and key words to the images itself.
- Target new keywords: Identify relevant keywords with lower competition thatalign with the content of your blog post.
- Update the on-page SEO: In the world of SEO, things are always changing. Optimise the meta tags, including the title tag, meta description, and header tags, using the new target keywords. Set reminders to do this every few months to make sure your content remains relevant.
By following these steps, you can help to give your underperforming blog post asignificant boost in visibility. Be patient, give it time and link, link, link.

Looking for further SEO assistance? Get in touch with SR Design today to find out more and start a WordPress project